A FAQ is a collection of Frequently Asked Questions. This term is widely used on the Internet to represent a document that contains a list of Frequently Asked Questions and answers on a specific subject. Please check this list to see if it answers your question before sending it to us. Where can I get InternetMemory? InternetMemory is available everywhere that you get Macintosh shareware. We made a point of distributing the IM package as widely as possible so that it would be easy to obtain. We recommend using Peter Lewis' excellent utility, Anarchie, to do an Archie search for InternetMemory. You can also download InternetMemory from our World Wide Web site. The URL is: http://www.circledream.com/inmn.html This will link you to InternetMemory on an Info-Mac FTP site. It is possible that this link may need updating as files in Info-Mac tend to move around a lot. You should already have InternetMemory if you have this document! If you don't, please let us know where you obtained a copy of the manual without the software and we'll deal with the situation. How will I know when there's a new version of InternetMemory? We suggest surfin' over to our web site and checking out the URL Minder service on our "What's New?" page. The URL is: http://www.circledream.com/minder.html Will you there ever be a charge for upgrades? As far as we can see right now - no! If we ever release a major update of any of our software and we work long, long hours and have to drink lots of Jolt cola then we might have to change our payment policy. You'll definitely know far in advance and the update price will be far less than you paid for the software originally. Should I keep my serial number? Your Serial number is just to differentiate your copy from everyone else's. If you want to keep a number, we'd suggest your "Unlocking Code" to make upgrades easier.   Registration is explained in detail in Chapter 2. Click on the Goto Button for more information about Registering. Is there a Windows version of InternetMemory? At the time of release, there is a Windows version in progress. We do not have a shipping date yet, but are working on it as hard as we possibly can. See the section "How will I know when there's a new version of InternetMemory?" above.